“Resource sent us our family wish lists and we set up a Giving Tree in our office decorated with mittens labeled with each item needed.” explains Candy Lee, Director of Community Management. “Our amazing staff returned so many items, we ended up with enough gifts for two families! It was rewarding to know we helped others in need and I think it was a great experience for all of us.” For more than 50 years, Resource has been empowering people to achieve greater personal, social and economic success by providing job search and placement, employment training and education, and chemical and mental health services. The holidays often bring an extra burden to these struggling families and Resource has stepped in to help through their “Adopt a Family During the Holidays” program. By partnering with local businesses and volunteers, they are able to provide much-appreciated gifts for hundreds of families throughout the metro area. “One of our goals at Sharper is to give back and working with Resource gives all of our employees a chance to help,” says Dan Cunningham, Partner and Managing Broker. “Adopting a family in need during the holidays is a great way to be involved in the community where we all work and live.” For more information on Sharper Management, call 952-224-4777 or send an email to info@sharpermanagement.com.