
Sharper Management

Since winter seems to lingering a bit this March, we thought it would be a good time to post some helpful winter tips for association owners. Living in an association, with shared walls, makes it particularly important to properly care for your home during the cold winter months. If you plan to be away this winter, remember the following important items:
  • Always leave your heat ON. Set thermostat no lower than 55 degrees
  • Winterize your pipes (sinks, toilets, etc) by turning supply valves off and then draining any trapped water
  • Communicate with Management and your neighbors. Emergency contacts or instructions on how to get into your unit in case of an emergency is helpful
General Seasonal Tips:
  • Check and change your furnace filter regularly (rec. monthly).
  • Have your furnace inspected and tuned-up for better efficiency.
  • Install a programmable thermostat to better manage temperature and mitigate heat costs.
  • If you have a built in humidifier unit, make sure the lines are clear and filter is clean.
  • They can be a common source of leaks.
  • Manage your humidify levels. High humidity inside of the unit meeting the cold/dry exterior walls can be hard on windows and even lead to ice dam formation.
  • Check weather seal/strip on all doors and windows
  • If you have original (wood) windows, consider covering them with plastic.
  • Consider adding insulation to bring up your R-value.
  • Remember to winterize outside faucets! Turn off supply valve and open spigot to allow remaining water to drain out.
If you’d like Sharper Maintenance to help you with any of these items – or if you’d like Sharper to check on your home while you are away, please contact us. We have technicians available!

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