
Sharper Management


Pets and Living in an HOA

Sunshine and getting outside for a walk are things we are all doing more of these days and that includes our pets. Just a few friendly reminders to be sure to pick up after your pets during this season. As more people are out walking due to the closure of many local gyms, it’s more important than ever to be diligent about picking up pet waste. The rainy weather in April also make pet waste more of a hazard for all. We encourage you to also keep your pet on a leash to ensure the safety of all in our communities. If this spring is the time to adopt a new pet once the local shelters are up and running again, then make sure you review your association’s governing documents for restrictions on the types of pets, breed, or size you can have in your home. There might also be a limit on how many pets are allowed.

The Benefits of Spring Cleaning

With all of us being at home for the time-being, this might be your year to do a deep-down spring clean. There are a lot of surprise benefits to spring cleaning! It helps alleviate allergy and asthma symptoms. Cleaning up pollutants like dust, pet dander, dirt, mildew, mold, and more will improve your air quality and help out any residents who have allergies. Dust all of your hard surfaces, vacuum your carpet (especially under the furniture), sanitize your hard surfaces (bathroom/kitchen especially),and air out rugs/cushions since soft surfaces attract dust. It curbs stress and improves productivity. A cluttered home, especially if you work out of a home office, can negatively affect your focus because of the overstimulation. Buy some organizers if you have a lot of objects without a place to store and get to work on decluttering. Try turning on some music while cleaning to help boost your endorphin levels. Music and the result of a clean space has been proven to make people happier. Make a pile for the things you no longer need, but are in good condition. The items will all set to move out to a donation center when they open again. A deep clean of your entire home might also alert you to any damages or things that need to be maintained. It’s always better to stay on top of those issues so that they don’t get any worse. Get a “fresh” start on 2020 by improving your mental and physical health with a good clean. If tackling the whole space at once seems too daunting, then take it one room at a time. Your home is your oasis, and it’s important to take care of it.

Things to Do During the Stay at Home Order in Minnesota

Technology Technology

If you’re watched enough TV and gone on all the walks you care to for the day, you’re probably looking for other ways to pass the time. We’ve pulled together a list of a few ideas to keep your entertained during this unprecedented time. Facebook Live Concerts Musicians around the country are moving their “gig” online using resources like Facebook Live. Download the MySet app, choose the music styles you enjoy and you’ll find an assortment of Live music most nights. You can request songs and tip the band using the app. Virtually Visit a National Park https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/national-parks/virtual-national-parks-tours Take A Virtual Field Trip This is a large list of places to visit. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTbUBsKt4U5tR-eXC8b2bogrvjrVlEBl8OJIesNPw6b7BRScYRuyXIaSAVIcl_q52BI4SqrK4_HVQCw/pub We have this list helps fill a few hours for you during the next few weeks.