Construction Chat: To Blacktop or Not to Blacktop?
Similar to concrete, your association’s blacktop makes a statement about the community. After the extreme temperatures from this winter, it’s important to include pavement maintenance or replacement on property inspection lists. When reviewing your pavement, look for damage such as potholes, large cracks, and persistent puddles. Potholes and cracks in pavement are a common occurrence for Minnesota in the spring, and residents will have to deal with them enough driving around the city. They’ll likely not be pleased dealing with them at their residence, and it can negatively affect your association’s curb appeal for potential buyers. Insistent puddles, the ones that just won’t go away, let you know there is a drainage or ponding issue with your lot. When this happens, the long-standing water begins to wear down the blacktop. It also increases the chances of the pavement being drastically affected by Minnesota’s extreme freeze-thaw. The best way to solve these issues is by getting a professional out to examine the parking lot and give an estimate on the work needed. For the potholes and cracks, if they’re not too extensive, they may be patched or solved with a mill and overlay, which is less expensive than a complete tear out and replacement. Once your new blacktop is installed, but sure to maintain it properly with regular sealcoating. This extends the pavement’s durability and strength so the association can save money over time through preventative action.