Annual Board Meeting Season

October is just around the corner and for some Associations, they may have their Annual Meeting to close out the year. By state statute, association meetings are open to members year-round, however if you’re only going to attend one meeting each year, the Annual Meeting is the one to choose. The annual meeting is a requirement of an association’s governing documents and the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporations Act (317A). As Associations are considered and registered as a non-profit corporation with the state of Minnesota, they must then have a “meeting of the members” (owners of record) on an annual basis. Members are to be mailed an official “notice” of said meeting within a certain period of time (usually 20-60 days in advance), and the notice should include an official Agenda listing items to be addressed by the Board and requiring membership approval. The main primary, and often time sole, purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect members to serve on the Board of Directors. Often times a statement of the financial condition of the association is provided by the Treasurer, a “President’s Report” is given on activities and projects, and sometimes committee reports are provided. But generally, the purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect Board members. By state statute, no other business can be conducted unless is was “properly notified” in the Agenda and/or official Notice of the meeting. Often times members view the Annual Meeting is the forum to raise concerns and bring forward motions to take action on this or that. Board meetings are really the place for such requests, as, again, the association cannot take action on an item that was not presented on the agenda and/or notice. The Annual Meeting is a great place to participate in your association by hearing about what is going on – and voting in the members you want to represent you on the Board. Be sure to watch for notifications about your Annual Meeting and make plans to attend.