
Sharper Management


Low Interest Rates and Your HOA Loans

One of the silver linings from the pandemic’s impact on the economy are the historically low interest rates. Due to concerns about the stability of the economy, most financial institutions have adjusted their traditional credit evaluation and standards. Because of the relatively low interest rates, now could be a good time for community associations to […]

Snow Removal and Trigger Depths

We have already had some snowfalls this winter, meaning most of us are already back in the swing of driving in the snow. Understanding your HOAs contract for snow removal is key to knowing when you can expect your lot and drives to be cleared. A trigger depth is the minimum amount of accumulation a […]

Reviewing Your Dues

Goods and services go up over time. Doing an annual maintenance plan and having a reserve study done every few years will help your board understand what should be charged for dues each month to adequately fund your HOA. The other part of the equation is accounting for inflation of goods and services year-over-year. Opening […]

Summer Fun and Noise Complaints

Summer means warm weather, longer days, and more time outside. It also means extra noise, which could lead to an increase in noise complaints. Here are some great ways to deal with the summer noise and the complaints that come with them. Things to do now. Look over your noise based HOA rules, and adjust […]

Holding Effective Meetings While Social Distancing

This year’s meetings will be different than those we’ve seen in the past. Social distancing guidelines dictate 6′ of space between people in an indoor setting. How will that work within you HOA board’s normal meeting location? Is it feasible to continue indefinitely with Zoom (online) meetings? Or will you need to implement a hybrid […]

Reserve Funds and the Unexpected

2020 has been full of unexpected trials. Planning for Murphy’s Law is part of an HOA board’s responsibility. Make sure your HOA is covered for the unexpected by having an adequate reserve fund. What is a reserve fund? A reserve (capital) fund is your HOA’s saving account; it is not used for the day-to-day necessities […]

The Role of the HOA Management Company

We are often asked about what homeowners perceive to be the responsibility of the home management company. The truth is that contracts vary from one HOA to another, so there is no blanket answer. The duties will be outlined in the Management Agreement and often involve both site and administrative management, but not always. Depening […]

Getting Ready to Sell in an HOA

Looking to sell your home? During our current global pandemic selling a home come with a few additional considerations. Your realtor will be a wonderful source for guidance, but we’ve compiled a short list of things to consider. COVID Considerations By appointment only. Open houses have been a wonderful selling tool for homes for a […]

Lawn Maintenance Contracts

As we enter spring, the outside maintenance will switch from plowing/icing to lawn maintenance. If the board has been looking to hire a different landscaping company or revisit their bid, here are some tips to remember through this process: Value quality. A high-quality landscaping company will make your community look well-kept and welcoming, so you […]

Pets and Living in an HOA

Sunshine and getting outside for a walk are things we are all doing more of these days and that includes our pets. Just a few friendly reminders to be sure to pick up after your pets during this season. As more people are out walking due to the closure of many local gyms, it’s more […]