Online Meetings Tips – Never Miss a Meeting
Whether you are out of town our out of commission, you can keep tabs on association board meetings by tuning in online. Online meeting tools (Skype, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts) allow board members to hear each other through microphones and speakers, and to see each other through video cameras regardless of where everyone is located. You’ll be able to follow all of the action virtually; and you can even share documents that are circulating during the meeting. Whether you’re physically present of calling in for the meeting, all participants should be reminded to: Be professional, courteous and considerate Avoid rustling papers or creating noise if near a microphone Refrain from talking while others are speaking If you are calling in; Announce yourself (maybe even before talking if needed) Mute your phone unless you are talking, especially if there is background noise, such as a barking dog, at your location You’re still encouraged to join in person onsite for the meeting, but if you can’t there is that opportunity to follow the proceedings. [taken from “Tips from CAI”]