
Sharper Management


Thinking About Selling Your Home?

With interest rates and housing inventory at historic lows, this is a very good time to sell your home. If you’re considering putting your HOA property on the market soon, there are a few things to remember about selling an HOA. A review of the Governing Documents for your Association is a good idea to […]

Resale Disclosure Documents

A resale package is a packet of vital information provided to those purchasing a condominium or a home in an association. The package includes a complete set of recorded documents that govern your association. Typically, the documents included are: Annual Financials, Articles of Incorporation, Budget, Bylaws, CC&Rs, Insurance Declaration Page, Regular Meeting Minutes, Resale Certificate/Demand, […]

Resale Disclosures

Are you selling your unit? You will reach a point in the process where you will need to order a “Resale Disclosure Package.” This typically happens when you have a Purchase Agreement in place with a potential buyer. The potential buyer has a legal right to review the Association’s Governing Documents, financial information, disclosure certificates, […]