Staying Safe During Storm Season
We’ve entered storm season here in the Midwest, so now is a good time to go over some tips for staying safe. In a condo or other high-rise building, there isn’t always a basement or underground parking garage to take shelter in. So, in the case of severe weather, what should you do? No matter if you’re on the top or bottom level, get to an area without windows. You’ll want to get to a room that has as many walls between you and the building’s exterior as possible. Bathrooms or closets are typically the safest options. It’s best to get as low as you possibly can in the building, so get to know your neighbors on the first floor, as you could likely take shelter with them. Your building may have a designated safety area for instances like these, so check with your association. You should also create a safety kit for severe storms in case the power goes out for a long period of time. Include first-aid items, flashlights, emergency contacts, water bottles, and nonperishable food. Checking the weather and knowing when a storm will strike will help keep you safe and give you time to prepare. If you do have covered parking, move your vehicle so that it’s not hit from flying debris outdoors. We hope you stay safe this summer, and we hope for minimal storms!
Summer Storms – Staying Safe
As we enter storm season, we want to give you a few useful tips to keep in mind. General Storm Tips: Avoid wires and water. If your building is struck by lightning, avoid touching water and wires as they can conduct the voltage. Even touching a plugged-in lamp or getting tap water can result in getting zapped. If your building has been struck, use only wireless devices, and do not use the tap for anything until you know that it is safe to do so. Lighting and trees are not a good combination. Trees are generally taller than their surroundings, which makes them nature’s lightening rods. If you are by a tree, try to get away as trees can conduct the electricity into the ground and can even explode due to the heat. Along with strong winds, this could be dangerous if you are too close. Have sudden tingly hair? That is a sign that lighting will be striking soon. If this happens, crouch low to the ground with your feet and shoes touching the ground, with your head and ears tucked and covered. Experts say that this position provides some protection from a direct lighting strike. When this sensation passes, quickly move to a building or car for better protection Find shelter as soon as you can. If you are outdoors and near a building, get inside as quick as you can. If you are in a car or there are no buildings nearby, there are a few things you should do. In the case of a tornado, find a ditch or lowest ground possible, lay down, and cover your head and neck with your arms. While this area is more prone to flooding, it is the safest place to be. If there is a storm but no tornado, then stay in your car. The car’s body will help direct the electricity away from you and into the ground; however, if your car is struck be sure not to touch door handles or other metal components (like a radio dial) in case it still has a current. General Tornado Tips: If you are at home during a tornado, go to a windowless interior room on the lowest level of your house, like a basement or storm cellar. If you don’t have either, go to an inner hallway or small room without windows, such as a pantry, bathroom, or closet. Make sure to stay away from windows as well as corners, as they tend to attract more debris. If possible, get under a sturdy piece of furniture, like a desk or table, and hold onto it. Make sure to use your arms to protect your neck and head in case of falling debris, and if you live in a mobile home, leave and find shelter somewhere else. If you are not at home during a tornado, get to the closest building you can and find a room/hallway on the lowest level without a window. Make sure you do not go to a room with a wide-span roof like an auditorium, shopping mall, or cafeteria. Just like at home, hide and hold onto a sturdy piece of furniture and use your arms to protect your head and neck. If you are outdoors during a tornado, seek shelter immediately. If you are not close to shelter, get out of your vehicle and stay away from trees. Find the lowest area of land and lay there with your arms over your head and neck. If you feel the need to drive away from the tornado, ensure you are not going faster than the tornado as it can change directly quickly. DO NOT get out of your vehicle to climb an embankment or bridge as being higher will increase your risk. We wish you all have a safe and fun-filled summer!