Tips for Welcoming New Residents to Your Community

Building community among residents is always a priority for a happy neighborhood, but it’s hard than ever to do this during the COVID-19 pandemic. One way you can welcome new residents and help them “find there way” with living in an HOA, is to have a Welcome Packet ready when they arrive that contains important information they may need. The welcome packet can have whatever you and your HOA board thinks in important, but here are some ideas on what to include. Welcome letter. Including a letter that will officially welcome the new resident to your HOA will help them feel invited and give a positive first impression about your community. Community rules and regulations. While more association buyers will have already reviewed the rules and regulations of the association before deciding to purchase, it’s a good reminder to include them as a good reminder and note on what to expect from their neighbors. Board and committee makeup. Include the structure of the board, its members, and contact information so they know who to contact with questions/concerns. Amenity information. If your community has shared areas, such as a pool, park, clubhouse, or fitness center, include the location and hours of these amenities. It’s always nice to have that kind of important information at your fingertips. Owner contact sheet. Ask the new resident to fill out and return a contact sheet so the HOA board can easily contact the new owner with questions/concerns. FAQ sheet. Ask residents who have been in your community for a while what questions they had when they first moved into your HOA, and create an FAQ sheet that includes these questions and the answers. This will help reduce the resident’s need to contact you with simple questions. Local events. With the pandemic still in full force, events probably are not happening in your area. However, including maps of local parks and walking paths as well as tips on restaurants are usually very well received by new residents. It’s nice to have an insiders tip sheet on local attractions. Taking an hour or two out of your day to compile and deliver the welcome packet will help establish a good relationship with the new residents, help answer any of their immediate questions, and help them feel a part of a friendly, welcoming, and positive community.
Pets, Winter and HOA Living

We still have a couple more months of winter to go, which means a lot of us will choose to stay inside where it’s warm and cozy. For those who have kids or pets, this also means a little extra work so that cabin fever doesn’t set in and cause disturbances. Similarly, if a resident has decided that this is the year to adopt or buy a pet, they should be sure to follow their HOA’s rules before taking that big step. Once a member has taken on the responsibility of a pet, they also take on the responsibility of following the HOA’s pet policy. In most documents, the pet owners will be required to clean up after their pet to keep the association grounds well-maintained for everyone. For dogs especially who go outside a lot, excrement should be picked up and toys should not be left around in public areas. Keep all pets on a leash so they can be contained-even if the pet is well-trained, a noise could startle them and send them running. Overall, be respectful of your neighbors. If your dog needs to burn off energy in the winter, try taking them to a doggy daycare. A pet who is constantly making noise can be a disturbance to the community. If you do go for a walk at dawn or dusk, wear some kind of reflective gear to keep you and your pet safe. Doing all this will help keep the order in your community so everyone can live comfortably.